how it all began

Hi. I’m Ana. I spent the first 15 years of my working life in the high tech industry doing field sales & marketing. While it was challenging and rewarding, I battled constant performance anxiety that I hid from everyone, including myself. After going to a yoga & meditation retreat on Oahu in 2011, I felt the call to change everything and move to Hawaii.

the shift

Choosing Oahu as my home in 2012 was a long-held dream come true. Despite trying to sustain a sales career while embracing island life, my soul still yearned for a new way of being. So I did what any sane person would do and I quit my job with only a seed of an idea for a landscape photography business. Self-taught and intuitive, this creative path awakened a profound joy and peace I thought was lost since childhood.

creative sanctuary

Being in nature allows me to tap into my true self, unencumbered by the concerns of my mind. I am most drawn to the dynamic effects that weather has on a scene: the changing of a tide, a cresting wave, a blowing palm tree, clouds moving through the sky, a rainbow appearing out of nowhere, or a passing shower in the distance. The ephemeral nature of weather reminds me that control is an illusion, and beauty is a gift from the Divine Creator.


Each photograph is a reminder that my responsibility in life is only to show up, observe, and trust what comes through me. The days I attempt to dictate the outcome, I am humbled by the realization that nature's splendor always exceeds my wildest imagination. I learn the art of surrender a little more each day, letting go of expectations and embracing the beauty that unfolds before me.

Designed with intention

I aim to capture the serene and majestic beauty of coastal landscapes with sense of moody aliveness. My approach to photography emphasizes simplicity, abstraction, and muted tones, evoking a sense of calm and connection to the natural world. I seek to create images that are both personal and expansive, perfectly suited as large-scale art. My sincerest hope is that you love these images as much as I do.

Thank you for being here.


— Don Miguel Ruiz